Dr Maria Hill
Dr Maria Hill is a military historian and an expert on the Greek and Crete campaigns. She has an Honours, Masters and PhD in History from the University of New South Wales. Her PhD study was undertaken at the Australian Defence Force Academy @ UNSW in Canberra. Maria is the first Australian historian of Greek descent to write about these campaigns, which has ensured that a Greek perspective has been included in a narrative that often ignores Australia’s Greek allies. Maria Hill is a Second World War historian and possesses a broad knowledge of Australia’s military past. Her particular area of interest is ‘coalition relations’. Maria is concerned with examining how Australian soldiers interacted with their allies, especially those of another culture, during a time of war. She is keen to document the factors that aided Australia’s relations with its coalition partners and those that hindered them. Australian soldiers have predominantly fought as part of coalition forces and exclusively in other people’s countries, so how they interacted with the local population in the countries where they were deployed is of major concern, particularly with Australian forces currently in Afghanistan. Please visit Maria's website: http://www.mariahill.com.au